Forge World - Mars Pattern Reaver Titan "Vow Of Zealous Fury" - Legio Victorum

Reaver Titan No.2442 - Vow Of Zealous Fury, Legio Victorum

Certificate: 2442 
Titan Name: Vow Of Zealous Fury 
Pattern: Mars Pattern Reaver Titan
Primary Armament: Turbo Laser, Gatling Blaster, Apocalypse Launcher 
Titan Legio: Legio Victorum 
Battle Maniple Composition: Warlord (869); Reaver (2442); Warbringer (252); Mars Warhound (3063-1); Mars Warhound (4045)

Owner: Adie H 
Location: South Yorkshire, UK 

Officially my first Titan from Forge World, we went to Warhammer World to purchase it as its only an hour away from us. It took a long time to save up for, and I almost psyched myself out of the purchase,  then when I got it home I psyched myself out of building it. It was so daunting at the time!! 

Once I started it I never really looked back. Though the build was a long journey in itself.

Obligatory pic, in front of the Rhino at WHW with my brand new Reaver Titan. Years of wanting one, it was like a dream come true!!

Home with all the Reaver boxes! 

Wash day, this is just the contents of the Red box, the body, very daunting indeed! It took me 3 days to wash and prepare the resin.

And the weapons, I had no idea about Reaver Titan Load outs so I went with rule of cool, magnetised anyways so I could swap them out if I needed to, but went with the Gatling blaster and Battle Titan Laser Blaster, with the Apocalypse Launcher for the carapace, sadly the only option available in 28mm scale from Forge World. I'm sure myself and many others hope one day we might see more weapon options but its not looking promising.

I still couldn't believe the size of this thing, very heavy too! 

I have a degenerating spinal condition and the results of this aside from the pain, is perminant nerve damage, numb hands and feet, and prone to involuntary tremors, not the best thing for any kind of model making, I had dropped and broke the legs at this point, it needed some repairs which was a set back, so the hips was setting (again) 

Space Marine for scale! My Crimson Fists Captain. 

Here he is with the Gatling Blaster!

I once thought Imperial Knights was huge, this was getting insane!! 

primed and ready to start the painting process!!! 

Now this is as far as id got, when the build was stopped dead in its tracks!!! 

2nd of my Spinal Surgeries came at a time when I was making huge progress, and it was within a year of my 1st, this one was brutal not just to recover from in general but almost completely stopped my hobby. I'd lost more fine motor skills in my hands during the surgery, and I had a 7 month span of being only able to lift a maximum weight of 500g it equates to pretty much a small cup of tea and nothing heavier, it meant the Reaver Titan was fully on hold because its waaaaaay heavier than that.

After a few weeks laid up bored, but slowly getting well enough to even pick up a brush I was back on it! The titan comes apart at the waist, the leg armour, knees pads was only blu tacked on so I could paint them separately, the arms was magnetised so they could be painted separately and the carapace, shoulder pads and head was only blue tacked on too, so I could continue painting the lighter parts, I just couldn't lift the full complete model!! I could still safely paint though while I was in recovery which helped pass the time. I think I'd have gone stir crazy without my titans at that more than ever. I was able to switch off and forget about pain and everything else going on. Zone out and paint.

I still couldn't get over the size of this thing!!! 

Really wanted to line up the chevrons so they continued from the half the carapace, over the Apocalypse launcher and onto the engine at the opposite side of the titan, managed it quite well, some fluke involved!

Difficult on curved surfaces but I thought it worked quite well! 

It was at this point i entered armies on parade but I'll do a separate post for that!  Needless to say, the made me a proud Titan Owner! 

Vow along with fellow Legio Victorum Warhound also did a charity walk for Nates Tribe. Nate is a dedicated Warhammer fanatic with inoperable brain tumours, which affect his memory. The family have been visiting around Wahammer stores around the country and on the way back up to Scotland we planned a game where Nate could be princeps of a Legio for a day. Against the chaotic forces of the Black Legion brought down by my buddy Chris!

Vow Of Christmas Fury!!!

Carapace servitor, poor soul! Tried to get a grimdark John Blanche feel going on.

Reaver Titan interior  

Some mistakes was made, a lot was learned, the journey was eventful, I wish I did more with the pose but I was so nervous to build thing, it came out better than I'd hoped. It will always be sentimental to me as my first Titan bought and completed from start to finish, completed during the hardest time in my life. 

Updated pics 2023:

Reaver 2442 Vow Of Zealous Fury with Forgeworld certificate 

VOW at Titan Walks


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