Forge World - Mars Pattern - Warhound Titan "Bella Morte" of Legio Victorum


Mars Warhound No.4045 - Bella Morte, Legio Victorum

Certificate: 004045 
Titan Name: Bella Morte (Beautiful Death) 
Pattern: Mars Pattern Warhound 
Primary Armament: Turbo laser Destructor. Vulcan Mega Bolter.
Titan Legio: Legio Victorum 
Battle Maniple Composition: Warlord (869); Reaver (2442); Warbringer (252); Mars Warhound (3063-1); Mars Warhound (4045)

Owner: Adie H 
Location: South Yorkshire, UK 

I just wanted to share more pics and info of my Titan maniple. The Warhound wasn't the first Titan I purchased but it was the first one I painted, i'd got a Reaver Titan from Forge World, but I hadn't plucked up the courage to start the build yet when this Warhound project came up for sale, it was a Forge World original model with cert and most of the hardwork was already done with the build so I could start painting it immediately. I found Titan building to be a very daunting experience!!!! Not just working on big resin models, but working with new materials to me, expoxy glues, clamps and magnets etc! I wasn't sure i could manage to build Titans at all, and was scared of ruining pricey models!

The arms are magnetised so I can swap load outs. 

How the Warhound came to me, the resin skeleton had been prepared well but the armour parts hadnt been cleaned and the paint wouldn't stick, I believe its why it was abandoned.

It was a bit scruffy but I stripped the armour, prepared it correctly and primed it for paint. It looked a lot better straight away! 

Start of the paint, I always seem to start with the legs on my models as they aren't an exciting part of the model, I usually fear that once the good and interesting bits are done the rest could easily be rushed. I didn't want to rush anything, I never thought I'd be lucky enough to own a single God-Engine, I'd wanted one for years and years, i wasn't in a rush to fly though the process!! 
I was really happy with the blue and the yellow chevrons, I didn't realise then how id be continuing this theme for about 2 more years!! At this point Book 9 hadn't come out and Victorum didn't have an official colour scheme to copy from, they are known to be blue and yellow, so it gave me plenty of wiggle room, developing the scheme and moving away from what Astorum engines look like. Despite loving Astorum I wanted something a bit different. 

After Getting the Titan this far, I stopped working on the Warhound and started my Reaver build, but I did come back to it later!
Stalking through the ruins of my parade tile, which was a secret project I was working on! 
I entered Armies On Parade 2019 and had to have my Titans proudly on display, i'll do a separate post about that, I was honoured to scoop up 3 awards and best overall. One of my proudest moments in the hobby! It took so much determination to get that far!
I later revisited adding the Legio Victorum fist icon and 4045 Titan number as painting confidence was growing, I loved seeing Titans from the Owners Club having their certificate numbers on their Titans. 
Legio Victorum don't have a decal sheet so I have to freehand the logos.
I also added it to the bare looking carapace of Bella Morte! 
How the Warhound Titan stands at the moment, up to date! 

WARHOUND interior! 

Bella Morte with Forgeworld Certificate 

The certificate for this Titan was signed by Will Hayes, who sculpted the model, by the previous owner, when he purchased it at Games Day. Back when artists, sculptors, games designers was allowed to meet and greet the public and talk about their work.

Updated pics 2023: added a base to stop it toppling over.
Bella Morte at Titan Walks:


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