Mars Warhound Titan No.3063-1 - Sanctificetur Venandi, Legio Victorum

Mars Warhound Titan No.3063-1 - Sanctificetur Venandi, Legio Victorum

Certificate Number: 3063-1
Titan Name: S
anctificetur Venandi (Hallowed Hunter)
Pattern:  Mars Pattern Warhound 
Primary Armament: Plasma Blastgun and Dual Turbolaser Destructor
Princeps: #CLASSIFIED#
Titan Legio: Legio Victorum
Battle Maniple Composition: Warlord (869); Reaver (2442); Warbringer (252); Mars Warhound (3063-1); Mars Warhound (4045)

Owner: Adie H
Location: South Yorkshire, UK
Comments: (This Titan Certificate number has been checked and verified - a few genuine FW duplicates out there, the Servitor has been eradicated  - TOC)

I picked up another Warhound project to go with my existing Warhound (4045) I was actually saving up for a Warbringer Titan so I'd have one of each Imperial class, but the UK was in Lockdown and GW had closed down completely, so while I was biding my time for a Warby, this little opportunity came up. It was being sold by a friend of the admin staff and had been verified as genuine but the cert had a duplicate number, instead of being put off I thought it was cool to have one of a handful of the mistakes. The previous owner had done a great pose but sadly the Warhound is a tricky kit and can turn round and bite you at any time of the build, it had some unstable balance with the legs and torso on but as soon as the arms went on it had no chance. I knew before purchasing that it would have to be based. But I loved the pose and thought it was worth the investment. 

Warhound when I first saw it! 

with some help it could stand, it did look like a cool pose and a Titan worth saving!!

The Warhound is in its new home, and after a good inspection of the project, I was fairly happy with my purchase its kind of what I was already expecting and had a plan of action of what i was to do going forwards, the build was actually fairly good with some hard work gone into it, magnets installed, head and waste and nut and bolts done to swap the arms over. I noticed where the pins was when I was repositioning the toes slightly so I knew a lot of love and affection had already gone into the hound!

Clamping it to a new base, 3063 will stand!! 

You'll notice i had to strip the armour, the chassis was fine but for some reason the armour panels had flakey paint, it looked like there was some stubborn mold release agent still left on. Soon as the armour was washed and throughly cleaned I gave it a blast of Testors dull coat (RIP), which is a super flat matt varnish to act as a barrier between any tricky resin and the new paint! It seemed to do the trick. 

The new Warhound with the Warlord that I was working on at the same time and was coming to the end of that project! It was good to have another titan ready to go in reserve for a rainy day. I had bought Adeptus Titanicus Grand Master edition and the starter set for between Titan projects but hadn't had a chance to start it yet because of the hard work going into the full size 28mm versions! 

I kept the base fairly simple as I want the Titan to be the main focal point with not much distraction, as it should be. I used up a piece of scenery left over from when we had the Whitby model shop so it had some personal Models And Movie Props history on the base! I really did want one back then so it kind of makes sense to me to tie the two together finally. I also gave it a fresh coat of primer. 
the pose does look menacing!! The rocks are made up of a model making basing compound made up plaster and paper fibre, made into a type of fast drying paste when water was added to the mix. It was light in weight but i wouldnt recommended the material to anyone. It wasn't nice to work and I wasn't 100% happy with the finished results.

Menacing pose! I do love it hunting through the old ruins for prey, it's where it gets its name from! 

Started work quickly on the paint, already trying to make it different enough from my existing Warhound, I made the Aquilla Eagle a kind of marble finish and opted to leave the hazard stripes off this leg!! (A first for me i know!!)

Legio Victorum don't have a Decal sheet and the official logo is slightly beyond what i can do freehand. I've painted enough Crimson Fists Astartes over the years that I felt comfortable doing a basic yellow fist and tried to take the focus away from my freehanding skills with some extra decals. 

with age weathering and sand dust it was looking better!

I was happy with the way this Titan was going and knew it would look different enough from its sister engine in the hunting pack!

3063 on the Carapace and Warhound icon on the forehead! I love the Icon for the WARHOUNDS class, its a Titanicus T with teeth!! 

I was having an owners interview with Shadow from our USA branch of the Titan Owners club and really pulled the finger out to get pics done for his Titanicast. Didnt quite get them totally finished but a good representation of how the maniple was looking!

I really would like to put a model hiding in the ruins as an Easter egg, but haven't made my mind up yet, any suggestions?

Release the hounds of war!!!! It was cool to get them together for the very first time.

I made sure there was some subtle differences so I haven't just painted a twin duplicate engine but they do still look like they belong together in the same pack!

A little bit more work on the two, i actually did more on the other one too after these pics with similar Legio Victorum fist icons but don't have any upto date pics of them together side by side yet!

Thats where it currently stands, I was a bit naughty at this point, lockdown was ending in Summer 2020 and with GW reopening my buddy went straight to Forge World for me and snapped up the Warbringer i was desperately wanting to complete my one of each Titan goal. I had to frantically sell some painted props to make it happen and just manged it. It was many months before they were restocked in the shop or online. I did abandon this Hound to focus on the Warbringer coming up next, with the plan on returning to the Warhound as soon as the Warby was finished, i was even naughtier though by working on a second Reaver after that!!!!!! 

I have a Titan walk on the 4th Of September 2021 and my plan is to return to this Warhound and at least get it finished externally! I will of course be doing the Internals ASAP! 


The Titan walk of 2021 was great for this humble rescue Warhound, it was the first of my maniple, and the first Legio Victorum Titan to score an engine kill at a Titan Walk! Making it an engine of legend now.

Lydens mean, double melta armed Reaver had already started making holes in our lines, deleting pretty much any engine it got close to, it was one of two high priority targets and Sanctificetur Venandi answered the call, heavily wounded already it made perfect sense to push all power to weapons and direct maximal fire at Antenor - Legio Fureans (Reaver) at very close range  heroically bringing down the towering monstrosity of a god engine (one of my all time favourite engines in the club too) that we wouldn't ever forget! 
Boom ENGINE KILL, Antenor - Legio Fureans (Reaver) had laid eyes on a Legio Solaria Warhound and unleashed a devastating volley into it, its killing spree had to be stopped before it did even more damage to our lines nothing was safe.
Sanctificetur Venandi answered the call, it was already heavily damaged after being harrassed by two of Lydens Legio Fureans Warhounds, it might not hang in for another turn. So all power to weapons the humble warhound managed to bring down Antenor with the overcharged Plasma! Lyden was an amazing sport. 
Princeps Lee "Goddenzilla" Godden bought me pins for my engine kills, Sanctificetur Venandi got one for a first kill and its mounted to the base of the engine!
After the walk I made arm banners to denote an engine of legend and telling the story of the battle field honours. 

I never would have thought a Warhound would have been the first Titan to score an engine kill but Adeptus Titanicus is a brutal game and next to anything could happen!!

Sanctificetur Venandi went on to walk again the Titan Walk at Warhammer Fest 2023 in Manchester.
Wth sister Warhounds of Legio Victorum, 3 may or may not have just become 4!! 🤔 


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