Titan Walk 2021 - Greetings From the Warp!

2 weeks earlier was our main Titan Walk event, featuring nearly 100 God-Engines plus Imperial Knight banners going against each other. On that occasion, the Warmasters forces was pushed back and Victory laid with those Loyal to the Imperium of man. 

Fast forwards to our event which was an exhibition match for the Greetings From The Warp, Horus Heresy weekender. 

The Warmasters forces had regrouped and was ready for a second attack. This time a smaller walk with 71 Engines (!!) Plus Knights!!

I deployed Legio Victorum with Lee's Legio Metalica to my right and Peter's Legio Solaria to my Left. 

it was the first time my engines had all been deployed together as a full maniple! 3 years of work nearly to get to this proud moment. I never take my Engines for granted, and I never get tired of looking at them and just enjoying being a Titan Owner!! It was a dream for such a long time for me.

What a sight down the line!!! 

It was my first Walk, and I was in good hands with Princeps Lee G "Goddenzilla" looking after me, awesome chap! 

We were outnumbered and facing a wall of death, Lyden brought Legio Fureans and Lauren brought Legio Vulcanum, and it was clear they meant business!

Lyden starting his Legio Fureans Onlyfans!

The Traitors won the roll off and secured first turn, and they moved fast through the sector, what they simply couldn't shoot down they would march right up and punch to death! The two engines I feared the most was Lydens twin melta Reaver, and Twin clawed Reaver. 

We moved Forwards to try and counter the advance! We had Warhounds in our lines and those scary Reavers coming behind them. We couldn't afford them steam rollering through our line of defences.

it was amazing to be here, and share a beer and take in this unbelievable sight and atmosphere. The most epic game I've ever witnessed or been a part of! Also putting names to faces, and of course faces to Engines i know so well,  was so long over due!!

Lyden nicely positioned his Warhound and I wasn't looking forwards to the incoming fire into my exposed side arch, they were too close already, and under our void shields, my Reavers look on helpless for now.

Beautiful shot of my Reavers courtesy of Lyden!

Reavers holding this city sector.

Warlord Titan - Monolith Of Defiance is scanning for the threats, and has quickly identified two specific targets of importance to be urgently prosecuted ASAP! 

Boom - Engine Kill!!! Our first loss. The Legio Fureans Reaver Antenor, armed with double Meltas unleashed on the Legio Solaria Warhound at half range, and the poor hounds reactors detonated in a thermo nuclear explosion. 

Legio Solaria looks on at the battle sector and will seek revenge for its fallen Hound!

Lyden opened up with the flamer at point blank range, luckily for us only hitting twice out of a possible six times, causing some body damage to Bella Morte and the shields taking the brunt of the damage on my second hound "Sacred Hunter' (I thought we were friends man!!! Haha!)

Lauren's Warlord dropped a Quake shell on my Warhounds, physically bouncing them and twisting them around in the aftershock, with a stroke of luck though the scatter rewarded us, repositioning one of my hounds to face Lyden head on. He'd have lost the side arch advantage when it came to fire into the Warhounds with his double Vulcan Gatling Blasters! 

Another brutal incoming attack saw a direct hit to Petes Legio Solaria Reaver, from a Legio Fureans Warbringer 'Kharon-Hades' look at that blast Template!! It didn't end well.... Engine KILL!! 

When the guns fell silent, it was our turn to return fire!

We had been plagued with bad dice all day and our big comeback faulted when Lee missed with his Warhounds at point blank range! The flamer went off but someone forgot to ignite the pilot light and Legio Fureans took a face full of just propellant!!!!

You can see the look of dissapointment on Lydens face after that failed attack on him by Lee!!! Our dice had been horrible all day, I think I managed to roll ones and twos consistently for about 4 hours!!!! Some kind of record!!

Memento Mori, kept pumping artillery out from the backfield. 

With such long range firepower he never had to move to reach out and touch something! 

Lauren had hit and disabled an arm of my Warhound Sacred Hunter, with his Turbo Laser Destructor down, he had to get a shot off at the advancing Reaver Titan Antenor with his remaining Plasma arm firing at full strength - Maximal fire, the hounds was already critically damaged and it needed to get the job done now, it wouldn't see another turn so we had nothing to loose, let's push the Reactor!! Full power to weapons!
Engine Kill!!!! ANTENOR was brought down, one of my personal objectives from the start, a terrifying engine that had to be stopped in its tracks before it wrecked havoc in our lines, Lyden was an amazing sport, even giving invaluable advice to us while targeting his engines. Thanks also to Lee for purchasing an Engine Kill badge for me! It was a lovely gift! Something ill treasure. My first Engine kill!

With a a gap opening, and even with Lee's friendly engines in danger close proximity, he called for assistance and Monolith Of Defiance opened up with everything it had on one of my personal favourite engines in the club, Rubicante.

Such an intimidating engine to see coming at you with those massive claws!! He was in our lines and had to go! 

Engine Kill, my second of the day. A good feeling but also kinda sad, like I say, I do love that engine!!! It inspired my own Reaver engine The Last Judgement! Speaking of The Last Judgement we moved them away from our lines as he was a ticking time bomb, he was heavily damaged and my second Reaver was also cooking his reactor firing the Twin Laser blasters which are a drain on the reactor! He was run undamaged buy very HOT!!!

The Traitors would push hard now! I'd already lost a Warhound in the previous turn, Sacred Hunter had fallen to Legio Vulcanum! 

Lauren had positioned her hound to the rear exposed arc of The Last Judgement! Lyden had already got a Warhound on the other side! Time was running out for the Reaver!

She was also in close behind my remaining Warhound Bella Morte 
In the previous turn i had fired a Volcano cannon which strayed (of course it did!!!! One of those days!!!) And it scattered into the rear of my Reaver, blue on blue, nearly giving the Traitors a helping hand!!! With the volume of the Warmasters return fire on it.... it led to.....

ENGINE Kill!! Lydens Warhound Malacoda unleashed all into The Last Judgement at point blank range.

(When I said I would have liked to add some more weathering to The Last Judgement thats not quite what I had in mind!!!!!! )

The reactors went into catastrophic meltdown and detonated! This in turn caught Lauren's loan Warhound Lenantos which was also catastrophically detonated in a Nuclear hug!!!

Engine Kill, my final one of the day. The Last Judgement swallowed up a traitor engine when it went down fighting hard!

Lydens Warlord Phelegthon also put a devastating volly of hate into Vow Of Zealous Fury ending her day! She never stood a chance against that!!!

It was an awesome day, we had one more turn and by the end of it we had our mini battle down within a battle as a draw, I had a Warbringer left to fire but we ran out of time and the remaining heretical engines had full shields. There was nothing we could insta kill to claw us a small Victory. Overall on the day the Traitors claimed the win. The loyalists down the grid also had some terrible loses! 

Other notable Loyalist kill tally of the day in our little battle!!

Warbringer Ira Incarnatus killed Warhounds: Leto, Orvid and also Malacostraca! 

Excidium Rex killed a Fureans Warhound!

My thanks goes out to these two salt of the earth individuals! 
Lyden packed up my Titans to travel to this event, Lee helped me so much along with Peter, with me not knowing the ruleset. He drove me to the event, moved my Titans for me and took care of rolling when I was struggling. Floorhammer takes its toll after a while, I know many people complain of back pain, after double spinal surgery it does tickle some what bending down and moving massive models!! I'm not mobile much at the best of times, I'm struggling lifting any kind weight and can't sit or stand for long periods of time, so thanks to these two especially for the support, it meant a lot and i wouldn't have been able to enjoy this event (or even get to it) without the pair of you! A credit to the club!

Here's some more pics from the day!! 

Legio Victorum on parade after! 
Extra pics provided by Lyden and Lee and the Titan Owners Club.


  1. Hi there, quite impressive... Which gaming rules did you use?


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