Warlord Titan 1626 Renascentis Legio Victorum.

Warlord Titan 1626 Renascentis Legio Victorum. 

After a year of not doing all that much with the hobby I returned with a Warlord Titan. I remember when working on my first that i said I'd never do another. I did have plenty of spare weapon options hanging around that it made sense in my head to use them at least. My plan was it would just look cool in a cabinet and probably never see gaming use! 

My plan with 1626 was to take a very long time building and painting this model, probably get me through to the summer at least. Taking my time and appreciate the journey. Start the build at the back end of winter while it's too dark to paint (I only paint in natural light) prime the model in spring when the weather pics up and enjoy the glorious summer light for painting!

Opening and checking the kit from Forgeworld is always a daunting experience! 

Washing and drying the kit, beautiful sharp cast, no visible traces of mould release agent anywhere, it really felt like Forgeworld was back to their best. Still gave it a good scrub with washing up liquid as usual. Still getting those what the hell did I do feelings!!

you've seen them before on the blog but massive help these clamps!

Box section done and head magnetised. 

New to me was the Warlord Apocalypse Missile launchers, I went with the lasers on my other one, so wanted a different role from the engine, more long range as opposed to short/mid range brawler. Even though it wasn't going to get used for gaming I liked the theme at least. 

the ocd brain got the angle of the launchers to match the angle of the exhaust vents lol

My buddy Chris came down and helped me massively with the legs and I appreciated that massively, i was struggling way more than i was on my first warlord titan as my hands/nerves/dexterity arent doing so great. More on Chris in a bit! It's not the last of him in this story!

I think you always know you've got good balance if it stands fine without the feet being finished as it only gets more stable as the build progresses

Armour on, no clearance issues to worry about!

Arms on, also new to me is the Quake cannon, i have on on the Warbringer but not on a Warlord, the Belicosa Volcano cannon option was already painted from 2020.

My buddy Joe asked me if I had a name for this Titan yet and I hadn't, he offered up the name Renascentis {The Reborn} so I took that, thanks so much Joe! He's been a huge source of help and inspiration over the last few months and we have a game coming up together too that I'm really looking forwards to 

it was at this exact point I posted about doing what I've never done with a Titan. Taking a month off to concentrate on other stuff, step away, wait for spring and prime it, and I did manage to take a few days off, until I got a very unexpected out of the blue call from Matt and Lauren asking me if I'd like to attend a Titan Walk up this way!! I didn't think I'd ever get to another one so jumped at the chance. I also thought it would be an amazing opportunity to walk this Titan. There was one small hitch the event was 6 weeks away, and it took me around 4 months working on my other Warlord, at a steady manageable pace. 

The goal was set and I rushed down to Hobby Workshop in Barnsley to buy all the materials I needed to start painting this Titan and fast! My buddy Chris was invited to the Walk as it was something he'd expressed interest in previously and I asked him very kindly if he'd help me with a few things that needed doing. He's a dab hand with the airbrush and even washing or basecoating the panels with an airbrush could knock weeks off my build time, and we needed to shave as much time off as possible!

Colour Forge matt black primer from Hobby Workshop, I found it binds to resin better than any other primer I've ever used, it etches in nicely and won't rub easily off like some! 


Mother nature decided it was in everybody's best interest to snow on us for 3 days straight. Not the best environment for base spraying the metal skeleton structure of a Titan!

After mother nature's weather fart it was straight back onto spraying, possibly a little cold but had no choice to risk it and to be fair the paint went on just fine. Citadels Leadbelcher doing the heavy lifting here, definietly no time to brush paint this lot.

After that in steps Chris, air brush hero, painting washes on with a brush is still very time consuming, even just time spent waiting for multiple shade washes to dry we couldnt afford. Massive areas to cover. So we had a much appreciated Hobby hang out and he quite enjoyed working on it I think!! Something a bit different for him.

also took the opportunity to take some test shots with his epic camera, something we plan to explore further! 

Chris very kindly hit the blue armour with Kantor Blue. My base layer for all my blues, would take me a few thin coats and many days to get this coverage with a hairy stick! 

Cracked on straight away with feet and toe pistons, lots going on in the house with various work taking place so I had a mobile set up, relocating from room to room finding space to just keep on painting!! Its been nothing less than eventful working on this God Engine!!! 

inner shin armour done, even though you won't hardly see it and we're pushed for time getting ready, I didn't want to cut corners, the kit deserves the best I can do. 

you can't see in this pic as well bit I painted the haz stripes on the inside of the armour too like my other one, you can see it from certain angels, it's worth it to me having these hidden Easter eggs! 

left one knee yellow and the other knee bone white with a V for Victorum, tried to start moving away from any similarities with my other Warlord now. 

Moved into the office to continue painting while my room is occupied with builders lol Renascentis is well travelled already!

Despite being pushed for time, didn't want to cut corners! Haz stripes under the carapace armour!
Weathering up the carapace! 

RENASCENTIS meets Monolith Of Defiance for the first time!

Also started working on a spare Alpha head I picked up. 

Matt from the Titan Owners Club made crotch banners for each of the Titans, really adds to them I think, he put the name and engine number of each Titan on them! Amazing attention to detail! Can't thank him enough for that, its so appreciated.

Renascentis is ready to walk, from start of paint to ready in under 6 weeks!! 

Update post walk!

Renascentis had a really good walk, making its debut at Warhammer Fest, I kind of expected the curse of the new model syndrome, however it managed a few Engine Kills, including 2 of its own kind. I'd never had a Warlord kill on my tally before. 


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