Titan Legio and support Knight banner.
The Titan Legio complete together for the first time Fresh off the back of Warhammer Fest, it seemed like a good idea to get the Legio Victorum together. I didn't have the opportunity at Fest for various reasons. I worked hard to get them ready and it seemed like the perfect time for a moment of reflection. Legio Victorum and Knights, with the background removed you could easily be forgiven into thinking that they are Adeptus Titanicus scale! So there we have Legio Victorum as of May 2023. It was once a dream to own a single Warhound, if I dared myself to dream bigger a Reaver and a Warhound was once my ultimate goal! Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought this possible. I've worked on a lot of models over the years, well into the many 1000s but this is my proudest achievement within the hobby to date. So is that it for Legio Victorum now? 2x Warlords 1x Warbringer 3x Reavers 3...