Warhammer Fest 2023 Titan Walk

Pics from Warhammer Fest - Titan Walk 2023.

My Warlord Renascentis and Reaver In Ignem Aeternum doing a bit for Titans on parade!

My Reaver ULTIMI JUDICII on parade! These guys wasn't walking due to limited space available, so I packed them just to display. 

My Awseome mate Kiran, always an absolute pleasure to catch up with him! 

Robs amazing Legio Solaria. Insane talent and raised the bar on Titan posing!!

Legio Metalica, Legio Tempestus and my Warlord Titan Monolith of Defiance! 
So much love for Engine Phils Metalica!!! Photos just don't do them justice! 
Aaron's Legio Astorum. 
Phils Legio Metalica

Matt and Laurens Family photo!
Laurens amazing Legio Vulcanum 

Having a chin wag with Rich!! Was a pleasure to walk with him! 

Bella Morte went full sneaky beaky to try and outflank and kill Laurens Warlord. 

Legio Vulturum marching towards the loyalists! My Warhounds doing some sneaky advance.

Aaron's amazing Legio Astorum. It was a pleasure to meet him for the first time too. 
Chris and I scheming lol it was his idea to start flanking! Legio Victorum engaging the stunning Legio Mortis of Matt! Absolute pleasure to walk with Matt and Lauren. 
Gorgeously weathered Legio Metalica, each of Phils engines are a labour of love!
Warbringer locks Mortis engines in its sights.

Memento Mori sniping through the defensive wall!


Praying to the Omnissiah?? Please stop rolling 1s and 2s!?? 
Scary Legio Vulcanum, loving these engines!

Chris moving my Warhounds, they weren't hiding!!! They were being stealthy! Stealthy Titans are now a thing! 
Martins Gorgeous Tempestus. So much respect for that paint scheme, it's mind bogglingly good!

Legio Solaria drew huge crowds all weekend. 

Memento Mori actually managed an Engine Kill this time! Against none other than the Mortis Warbringer of Matts! A legend in the club. Great to play games with people you look upto and engines you have so much love and respect for!

Monolith of Defiance 

Oooooooffff Metalica 

Laurens Gorgeous hounds!!!! I think the first Warhammer models she painted? I think I'm right in saying. They are stunning. 

Laurens Warlord target acquired us!

Lee "Goddenzilla" amazing Knights on display with his Titans. Had the pleasure of seeing these on display at WHW!

Was a proud feeling seeing my engines here at WH Fest!
Chris took my favourite shot of Sanctificetur Venandi 

Rich and I enjoying the Walk! He was amazing all day helping with the rules and not minding my awful dice rolls.
Amazing to walk with Dave! Lovely chap with awesome engines! This was Renacentis finally getting an Engine Kill on Hells Daughter from Legio Crucius. It took everything my entire legio had to bring it down..... half a day!!!!! Had to work hard for that engine kill.

Matt and Lauren worked so hard to make this event happen. 

What a sight!!! 
John, love the guy to bits but he was a mean opponent LOL!! He's plotting against my Warlord!!!
Love this shot from Chris of two of my Reavers!

Chatted to so many nice people over the weekend!

Matt!!!!! I thought we were friends man!!! Dropping a big template weapon on my Reaver Vow Of Zealous Fury 

Worked hard to get my terminal board ready for this event!
Awesome Terminator.
Lee's stunning Metalica Imperator Titan. All scratch built, no 3d printed parts! Attention to detail is second to none.

My Warlord Renacentis was revealed at Warhammer fest!!! 

Proud Princeps here, honestly. No words to explain this feeling. 

More Titans here than whats on display at Warhammer World!!

My Warhound squadron up to no good!! 

Proud to once again walk with Metalica, Engine Phil this time, legend! 
It was very very busy! 10,000 people apparently in attendance.
Great to see Renacentis make this event. Completed in just 6 weeks.

Proud day to get my Legio banner!! It means a lot to me! 

My coffin ship transports to move my legio!


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